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$7.00 Value
The Complete Guide to Total Transformation
Transformation Services
61 Lessons (7h)

- Experience level required: Beginner
- Access 61 lectures & 7 hours of content 24/7
- Length of time users can access this course: Lifetime
Course Curriculum
61 Lessons (7h)
- IntroductionIntroduction4:23Transformation is an Inside Job, Change is a Process4:07What Holds People Back from Creating Lasting Change?7:19What Holds People Back from Creating Lasting Change Worksheet
- LET THE JOURNEY BEGINThe Butterfly: Natalie’s Story of Transformation10:48The 6 Human Needs9:34Human Needs AssessmentIt’s Breakthrough Time! Breaking the Change Cycle10:26Fear of Change ActivityTHE GOOD NEWS: Uncertainty Gets Easier—Change is Addictive3:01Preparing for the Storm—Transformation Is Not All Butterflies and Rainbows3:02
- YOUR HERO’S JOURNEYGiving Your Pain a Purpose3:00Introducing the Hero’s Journey4:54Your Hero's Journey Activity15:31Your Heros Journey Activity Worksheet
- WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT?Identifying What You REALLY Want11:32Identifying What You Want WorksheetThe Wheel of Life: Identifying What Areas Need Your Attention6:29Wheel of Life Worksheet
- WHO DO YOU REALLY WANT TO BE?Identity Check-In: Who You Truly Are vs Who You Are Being10:32Identity Check-In: Roles WorksheetIdentity: Archetypes9:03Archetypes WorksheetYour Life Purpose: Becoming Who You're Meant to Be3:32Become Who You Are Meant to Be WorksheetBecoming Your Best Self—How Would I Need to Think and Behave?3:11Becoming Your BEST Self WorksheetFinding a Relatable Model1:59
- DEVELOPING A MINDSET OF SUCCESS (GROWTH MINDSET)The Growth Mindset13:37Mindset Assessment WorksheetSphere of Influence8:27Circle of Control WorksheetLocus of Control AssessmentYou Can Change Your Brain, Your Mindset6:51Common Misperceptions about the Growth Mindset3:09Developing a Growth Mindset Step 1: Awareness4:59Developing a Growth Mindset Step 1 Awareness WorksheetDeveloping a Growth Mindset Step 2: Perspective6:46Developing a Growth Mindset Step 2 Perspective WorksheetDeveloping a Growth Mindset Step 3: Action6:17Developing a Growth Mindset Step 3 Action WorksheetDeveloping Self-Efficacy11:07Self-efficacy Worksheet
- SELF-MASTERY: TRANSFORMING FROM WITHINThe 3 Irrational Beliefs at the Core of Your Suffering14:133 Core Irrational Beliefs WorksheetBanish Approval-Seeking and Say No to "Should"8:31Questioning Beliefs and Excuses8:18Questioning Beliefs and Excuses WorksheetChanging Beliefs7:00Changing Limiting Beliefs WorksheetQuestioning Your Assumptions About Reality4:32Developing Awareness of Emotions17:00Emotional Identification Chart WorksheetAffirmations, Incantations and the Power of Your Name6:40Affirmations and Incantations WorksheetReframing Your Thoughts6:07Reframing Your Thoughts WorksheetCultivating Mindfulness7:35
- PREPARING TO SUCCEEDEvaluating Social Influences4:03Become the Gatekeeper: How to Filter Your Exposure3:12Why It's Hard to Say "No"3:32How to Say "No"10:45Willpower, Cues & Triggers13:20Willpower Cues & Triggers WorksheetThe 3 R's of Habit Change10:41The 3 R's of Habit Change WorksheetEmbracing Uncertainty12:11Practicing Uncertainty2:22
- CREATING CHANGE—THE PSYCHOLOGYDeveloping Change Confidence: The Change Resume4:18Change Resume ActivityQuality vs Safe Problems5:43Quality vs Safe Problems WorksheetHow Would Your Life Change?3:03The Power of Pain and Pleasure6:35Pain and Pleasure WorksheetThe Power of Forgiveness11:41Forgiveness WorksheetPutting the Oxygen Mask on Yourself First7:49Overcoming Indecision Part 1: Autopilot and Being Stuck6:55Overcoming Indecision Part 2: Irrevocable Choices6:25Overcoming Indecision WorksheetEmpowering Your Vision of the Hero’s Journey4:16Empowering Your Vision Quest Worksheet
- CREATING CHANGE—THE PRACTICAL STEPSIdentifying What It Will Take5:29Identifying What It Will Take WorksheetHaving Realistic Expectations and Incremental Change3:18SMART Goals7:38SMART Goals WorksheetSetting Long-Term Goals4:14GOALS Setting Long-Term Goals WorksheetCreating an Action Plan8:31GOALS 30 and 60 Day Planning WorksheetGOALS Weekly and Daily Planning WorksheetOvercoming Inaction8:48Overcoming Inaction Worksheet
- CONCLUSIONCelebrating & Symbolism6:18Wrap Up and What’s Next2:53
The Complete Guide to Total Transformation
Transformation ServicesJoeel & Natalie Rivera | Professional Speakers, Trainers, & Coaches
4.5/5 Instructor Rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
Natalie Rivera earned a degree in sociology and education. In 2007 she opened a non-profit teen coaching center, where she worked with teenagers and their parents to open communication and strengthen their relationships. She created an 8-hour program called the Parent-Teen Challenge in which she worked with first-time offenders in the Prosecution Alternatives for Youth program.
Joeel Rivera, M.Ed. has a Masters in Counseling and Education and is finishing his Ph.D. in Psychology with an emphasis on happiness. He has been a relationship counselor and workshop facilitator since 2007 and is certified in PREP, a 30-year research-based program. Joeel and Natalie have over 40,000 students from 183 countries.
Personal transformation happens. Sometimes it sneaks up on us after years of quiet suffering, other times it's the inevitable side effect of a sudden event. But life is often exhausting, painful, and resistant to change. Transformation is an inside job, and change is a process. This course isn’t just a list of processes to create lasting change and reach your goals, although it does cover that. This course is about changing from the inside out and preventing the obstacles that tend to stop people from reaching their true potential.
- Access 61 lectures & 7 hours of content 24/7
- Identify the blocks that hold you back so you can become unstoppable
- Overcome fear of change, rejection & failure so you can feel confident going for your dream
- Develop self-mastery by reprogramming limiting beliefs
- Build a growth mindset so you know without a doubt that nothing can stand in your way again
- Get absolutely clear about what you really want & who you really are
Important Details
- Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
- Access options: web and mobile streaming
- Certification of completion included
- Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
- Experience level required: beginner
- Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here
- Internet required

$7.00 Value
Develop True Confidence & a Growth Mindset
Transformation Services
43 Lessons (4h)

$7.00 Value
Creating a Meaningful Life & Developing Habits of Happiness
Jonathan Levi
38 Lessons (3h)

$7.00 Value
27 Life-Changing Lessons from the Smartest People in History
Insider School
35 Lessons (2h)
- Unredeemed licenses can be returned for store credit within 30 days of purchase. Once your license is redeemed, all sales are final.
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